In the martial arts, students are taught to respect their instructors, each other, and themselves. In other words, students are taught to trust their parents and teachers to know what is best and follow their guidance, to treat other people the way they want to be treated, and to treat themselves the way they would treat a valued friend. Our instructors spend time in class discussing the importance of respecting schoolteachers and parents, and how it will benefit them in their lives. This is what separates martial arts from other activities or sports! A child’s behavior at home and at school is directly linked to his or her progression in their martial arts class. Our classes are about using martial arts to achieve personal growth and become better citizens.
Honesty. Keeping promises. “Walking the talk.” Regardless of how you define it, integrity is the core attribute of an ethical life. We expect our students to do what they say they will do; to be who they claim to be; and to do the right thing regardless of circumstances. Integrity is central to the development of trust between students and their family, their friends, and future employers. We encourage open communication between students’ families and our staff to ensure that students are conducting themselves with the level of integrity that we teach when they are at home and at school.
In today’s world of instant gratification, the ability to continue working toward a goal – despite challenges and obstacles – is missing in a lot of peoples’ lives. The martial arts will challenge every student in some manner; by overcoming those challenges, students will advance in skill and rank. As students develop perseverance, they begin to realize their own potential was far greater than they thought, and their confidence and self-esteem begin to grow, as well. Perseverance is the single-most important trait in determining a person’s successfulness in life.